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About Your Hosts

Marilyn & Dale Lawrence

Marilyn Lawrence is a gifted intuitive, as well as a noted and award-winning author of several books that cross four different genres. Enjoy her works which weave from the spiritualism of, “On An Angels Wing,” the self-help messages shared in, “From Pink to Blue And Back Again, “28 Day Sculpting Challenge,” and "28 Day Challenge To A Mindfully Conscious You," the romance and mystery of, “A Donavan’s Memory” as well as the Children’s Book Series, “Believe and Then It Will Be” starting with “I Gave The Sun a Bath” and ”The Balloon That Saw the World” … all with a message of belief, truth, and inspiration.


Her books, seminars, and intuitive coaching are growing daily in national and international acclaim. Marilyn delivers new, mindfully updated messages and enlightenment; aids with the releasing of the old barriers, and is able to gift the heart and soul of her clients and readers with inspirational wisdom.


Along with her books and intuitive readings, Marilyn, and her husband, Dale, present at events worldwide, produce seminars, and facilitate the “28 Day Challenge Courses” and the acclaimed “Just Breathe Retreats."


Visit her website

Your Mind's RoomMarilyn Lawrence
00:00 / 21:06
Altering a Belief SystemDale Lawrence
00:00 / 00:50

Dale Lawrence has traveled the country and world for nearly 30 years, sharing real tools, motivation, and enlightened messages that have transformed and altered the way people see, and then acknowledge the challenges/obstacles in their lives. Dale’s “Live Now” tools and messages come from a real and relatable way of being and embracing life.


Through multiple near-death encounters, terminal diagnoses, and enormous life adversities, Dale has overcome many of the same challenges as his audience. He refers to these challenges as opportunities. Lawrence still travels but frequently works with his wife, Marilyn Lawrence co-producing the very popular, life-altering courses, “28 Day Sculpting Challenge” and "28 Day Challenge To A Mindfully Conscious You." ( They also keep quite busy producing the steadily growing “Just Breath Retreats.”


Dale's role in classes and seminars is to share real and easy-to-use thought processes coupled with powerful tools and methods for re-owning one’s own beliefs. His methods can literally launch one’s belief system and life forward. As Dale says, ”because you own your beliefs and are the architect of your own life, everything is possible. The challenge for most is recognizing which beliefs are theirs and which beliefs are something they learned.” 

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